Scream It Out Loud!


Monsoon - The Game!

Karaoke Party!

You can now sing along online to Ready, Set, Go over at Simply connect your mic to your computer (or not), sing along, and have yourself rated! It would be lovely to get Tokio Hotel up on the Hot Picks section!

Tokio Hotel Slideshow!

Now you can make your own Tokio Hotel slide show with Monsoon playing in the background HERE!

Quiz: Which member of Tokio Hotel are you??

Click Here to find out!

Quiz: What Tokio Hotel song fits you??

Click Here to find out!

It's a Kaulitz World After All!

This is the coolest thing that I have seen with which Tokio Hotel fans will be able to spend hours amusing themselves. I… have no words for how much my inner “tagger” finds this. Me, with 10,000+ tagged photos… Here. Pictures. There are no words.
Now go play! (it’s even a German site!) Tag Galaxy

You Know When You're Super Bill Crazy When...

you scream “BEEEEELLLLL !!!” when the credits of a movie are going up, and theres someone called “Bill” in it
you see a hedgehog and it reminds you of Bill
your stomach does a flip when ever you hear his name when you’re least expecting it
you talk to his poster (happens ALOT LOL)
It hurts inside you when you see him.
you can’t watch any of his vids without saying “Awww” and giggle like crazy
you faced your fear of watching thrillers, just so you could see his favourite movie
your planning getting a tattoo in the same style as his.
you start listening to his fave bands
you see a helicopter and start screaming MONSOOOOON OMGG
you see XXL clothes, you think of Tom, then Bill
you buy gummiworms just because bill loves them
you chew the gummiwords just like bill (in a crazyy way)
you have his “private party” everyday saturday,infront of the mirrow
you have changed your diet to match Bill’s.
you have enough pics in ur phone to change your pic once a week
you suddenly want a pair of adidas
you wanna use a heap of hairspray to make your hair like him
you start thinking “what would Bill do ?” instead of “what would Jesus do ?”
you take make-up tips off of him
you’re sitting down and you just randomly start saying “BEEEELLL” for no other reason that saying his name
you hug your t-shirt of his face every night before you go to bed and tell “him” goodnight
you turn on your iPod, phone, or Computer just to see Bill’s face
when pretty much everything reminds you of Bill.
you look up into the sky and smile because you know that Bill is under the same sky
you see the starts on the sky and youre hoping that he sees them too
you wish on every falling (or standing) star that he will be yours
you drink coke just because he likes it
you dream that u’ve met hin every night
you cry in the movies,just cause of bill
you shout HIIIII JUMBIEEEE at every plane you see
you pounce on anyone who calls him a girl
you have so many pics of Bill saved on your comp you need a separate folder for them inside your already pretty ginormous folder of TH pics
you start seeing Bill everywhere
Uhm okay..this list could NEVER end……..